Các bài hội thảo đăng trước năm 2015

TT | Thông tin bài báo |
1 | Vu Dinh Dau, Piet Stroeven., Strength improvement efficiency of mineral admixtures in concrete.Advances in Concrete and Structures, ICACS 2003, Volume Two, pp. 785- 792. |
2 | Nguyen V.T.*, Ye G., van Breugel K., Guo Z., Bui D.D., 2010, Hydration process of rice husk ash and silica fume in cement paste by means of isothermal calorimetry, In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions Environment and Loading (CONSEC'10), Taylor & Francis Group (Eds.), Yucatan, Mexico, 7-9 Jun. 2010, ISBN: 978-0-415-59317-5, Vol. 1, pp. 1521-1528 (Indexed by Scopus). |
3 | Nguyen V.T.*, Ye G., van Breugel K., Guo Z., 2010, Activation energy of cement blended with rice husk ash, In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, Ancona, Italy, 28-30 Jun. 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4507-1490-7, Vol. 1, pp. 383-392 (Indexed by Scopus). |
4 | Nguyen V.T.*, Ye G., van Breugel K., 2010, Effect of rice husk ash on autogenous shrinkage of ultra high performance concrete, In: Proceedings of the International RILEM Conference on Use of Superabsorbent Polymers and Other New Additives in Concrete, RILEM (Eds.), Proceedings PRO 74, Lyngby, Denmark, 15-18 Aug. 2010, ISBN: 978-2-35158-104-9/e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-105-6, pp. 293-304 |
5 | Nguyen V.T.*, Ye G., van Breugel K., Pham H.H., 2010, Synergic effect of rice husk ash and silica fume on compressive strength of ultra high performance concrete, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Material Science and 64th RILEM Annual Week, RILEM (Eds.), Proceedings PRO 77, Aachen, Germany, 6-10 Sept. 2010, ISBN: 978-2-35158-110-0/e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-111-7, Vol. III, pp. 255-263 |
6 | Nguyen V.T.*, Ye G., van Breugel K., 2010, Internal curing of ultra high performance concrete by using rice husk ash, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Material Science and 64th RILEM Annual Week, RILEM (Eds.), Proceedings PRO 77, Aachen, Germany, 6-10 Sept. 2010, ISBN: 978-2-35158-110-0/e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-111-7, Vol. III, pp. 265-274 |
7 | Nguyen V.T.*, Ye G., van Breugel K., 2010, Effect of rice husk ash on hydration and microstructure of ultra high performance concrete, In: Proceedings of the 30th Cement and Concrete Science Conference, Birmingham, UK, 13-15 Sept. 2010, ISBN: 978-0-70442-797-6, pp. 51-54 |
8 | Nguyen V.T.*, Ye G., van Breugel K., Bui D.D., 2010, Improving service life of concrete by using rice husk ash, In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Service Life Design for Infrastructure, RILEM (Eds.), Proceedings PRO 70, Delft, The Netherlands, 4-6 Oct. 2010, ISBN: 978-2-35158-096-7/e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-097-4, Vol. 2, pp. 841-848 |
9 | Nguyen V.T.*, Ye G., Bui D.D., 2011, Study the hydration process of Portland cement blended with rice husk ash by means of isothermal calorimetry, In: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC), Madrid, Spain, 3-8 Jul. 2011, ISBN: Obra completa 84-7292-399-7, Area 4, p. 287 |
10 | Nguyen V.T.*, Ye G., Study hydration and microstructure of ultra high performance concrete using rice husk ash, In: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC), Madrid, Spain, 3-8 Jul. 2011, ISBN: Obra completa 84-7292-399-7, Area 4, p. 256 |
11 | Nguyen V.T.*, Zhang Q., Ye G., 2011, Modeling the hydration of cement blended with rice husk ash, In: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC), Madrid, Spain, 3-8 Jul. 2011, ISBN: Obra completa 84-7292-399-7, Area 6, p. 353 |
12 | Nguyen V.T.*, Ye G., van Breugel K., Bui D.D., 2011, Influence of fineness of rice husk ash in producing ultra high performance concrete, In: Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on High Performance Concrete- Design, Verification and Utilization, Rotorua, New Zealand, 7-11 Aug. 2011, ISBN: 978-0-473-19028-6, Session 8, 8.3, p. 113 |
13 | Nguyen V.T.*, Ye G., 2011, The use of rice husk ash to produce ultra high performance concrete for sustainable development, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials through Science and Engineering, and the 65th RILEM week, Hong Kong, China SAR, 5-7 Sept. 2011 (RILEM Proceedings Pro 79), ISBN: 978-2-35158-116-2/e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-117-9, p. 207 |
14 | Huang H.*, Nguyen V.T., Ye G., 2012, Application of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) for internal curing in high performance concrete, In Proceedings of Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting III: 3rd International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, ICCRRR-3, 3-5 September 2012, Cape Town, South Africa, ISBN 978-0-415-89952-9, pp. 223-227 (Indexed by Scopus). |
15 | Nguyen V.T.*, Ye G., van Breugel K., 2012, Mitigation of early age shrinkage of Ultra High Performance Concrete by using Rice Husk Ash, In: Proceedings of Hipermat, the 3rd International Symposium on Ultra High Performance Concrete and Nanotechnology for High Performance Construction Materials, Session 3A.7, 7-9 Mar. 2012, ISBN 978-3-86219-264-9, pp. 341-348. |
16 | Ye G.*, Nguyen V.T. and Huang H., 2013, Rice Husk Ash (RHA) as smart materials to mitigate autogenous shrinkage in high (ultra-high) performance concrete, Keynote Lecture-11 (e540), In: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT2013), Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan, 18-21 Aug. 2013, 09 pages. |
17 | Nguyen C.T.*, Nguyen V.T., Pham H.H., Ultra High Performance Concrete using a combination of Silicafume and Limestone in Vietnam, Construction et Developpement Durable, CIGOS 2013, Lyon France 2013 |
18 | Breugel K.v.*, Ye G., Nguyen V.T., 2014, Ultra high performance made with rice husk ash for reduced autogenous shrinkage, In: Proceedings of the 4thInternational fib Congress: Improving Performance of Concrete Structures, 10-14 Feb. 2014, Mumbai, India, ISBN 978-81-7371-919-6, Proceedings Vol. II, pp. 853-856 (Indexed by Scopus). |
19 | Nguyễn Công Thắng, Nguyễn Văn Tuấn, Lê Trung Thành, Phạm Hữu Hanh, Ye Guang (2013), Ultra high performance concrete using a combination of Silica fume and Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag in Vietnam, Proceeding of International conference on Sustainable Built Environment for Now and the Future, SBE2013, ISBN 978-604-82-0018-3, pp. 303-309, Ha Noi 2013 |
20 | Nguyễn Công Thắng, Nguyễn Văn Tuấn, Phạm Hữu Hanh (2013), High performance concrete using high volume fly ash in Vietnam, Proceeding of International conference on Sustainable Built Environment for Now and the Future, SBE2013, ISBN 978-604-82-0018-3, pp. 229-235, Ha Noi 2013 |
21 | Lê Trung Thành, Nguyễn Công Thắng, Tống Tôn Kiên, Nguyễn Thị Thắng, Nguyễn Mạnh Phát, Nguyễn Văn Tuấn, Trần Bá Việt (2013), Enhancement of flexural toughness for steel fibre reinforced concrete regarding sustainable development, Proceeding of International conference on Sustainable Built Environment for Now and the Future, SBE2013, ISBN 978-604-82-0018-3, pp. 437-443, Ha Noi 2013. |
22 | Nguyen Cong Thang, Nguyen Van Tuan, Pham Huu Hanh, Ultra High Performance Concrete using a combination of Silicafume and Limestone in Vietnam, Construction et Developpement Durable, CIGOS 2013, Lyon France 2013 |
23 | Tống Tôn Kiên, Nguyễn Như Quý (2007). Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của phụ gia mịn bột đá vôi và tro bay nhiệt điện đến các tính chất của hỗn hợp bê tông bơm. Hội thảo Công nghệ bê tông tiên tiến (ACCT), Nhà xuất bản Lao động 2007, trang 40-48 |
24 | T.T. Le, C. I. Goodier, H.H. Pham, K. T. Tong, M. N. Soutsos (2011). A comparative view of UK and Vietnamese civil engineering students on sustainable construction. Proceeding of the international council Hanoi 2011- Innovation and sustainable construction in developing countries (CIB W107), Hanoi, Vietnam, 1-3 Nov. 2011, pp. 207-211. |
25 | Thanh T. Le, Hanh H. Pham, Dai D. Bui, Kien T. Tong, Tuan V. Nguyen (2011). Development of sustainable building materials at National University of Civil Engineering of Vietnam. Proceeding of the international council Hanoi 2011- Innovation and sustainable construction in developing countries (CIB W107), Hanoi, Vietnam, 1-3 Nov. 2011, pp. 201-206. |
26 | Hanh H. Pham, Kien T. Tong, Thanh T. Le (2011). High strength concrete using fly ash for the structures in Vietnamese marine environment for sustainability. Proceeding of the international council Hanoi 2011- Innovation and sustainable construction in developing countries (CIB W107), Hanoi, Vietnam, 1-3 Nov. 2011, pp. 173-177. |
27 | Tong T. Kien, Le T. Thanh and Phung V. Lu (2013). Utilisation of construction demolition waste as stabilised materials for road base applications. Proceeding of The International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment for Now and the Future (SBE2013), Hanoi, Vietnam, 26-27 Mar. 2013, pp. 285-293, ISBN: 978-604- 82-0018- 3 SBE2013. |
28 | Tong T. Kien, Le T. Thanh and Phung V. Lu (2013). Recycling construction demolition waste in the world and in Vietnam. Proceeding of The International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment for Now and the Future (SBE2013), Hanoi, Vietnam, 26-27 Mar. 2013, pp. 247-256, ISBN: 978-604- 82-0018- 3 SBE2013. |
29 | Kiên TONG, Thành LE and Lanh PHAM (2013). Sustainability in the concrete industry for construction of mega cities. Proceeding of International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia (USMCA2013), Edited by Nguyen Hoang Giang & Reiko Kuwano, Hanoi, Vietnam, 9-11 Oct. 2013, ISBN 4-903661-64-4, pp. 1173-1183. |
30 | Nguyễn Văn Tuấn, Nguyễn Công Thắng, Tống Tôn Kiên, Nguyễn Trọng Lâm, Nguyễn Văn Khánh, Bùi Danh Đại (2013). Nghiên cứu khả năng sử dụng phế thải đá mạt ở tỉnh Hà Nam làm cốt liệu cho bê tông. Hội thảo các trường đại học kỹ thuật với sự phát triển bền vững của tỉnh Hà Nam, Hà Nam, 19-20 tháng 12/2013, trang 94-102. |
31 | Tống Tôn Kiên, Lê Trung Thành, Phạm Thị Vinh Lanh, Phùng Văn Lự (2014). Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của loại và hàm lượng cốt liệu bê tông tái chế đến tính chất của bê tông. Tuyển tập hội nghị Khoa học Trường đại học Kiến trúc Hà Nội 45 năm phát triển và hội nhập, 11/2014, trang 49-58 |
Viet Anh N., Hanh T.T.H., Thanh V.T.M., Parkinson J., Barriero W. “Decentralized wastewater management in Vietnam – a Hanoi case study”. The WEDC International Conference on People -centered approaches to water and environmental sanitation. Vientiane, Laos. Page: 166 – 169. |
Nguyen Viet Anh, Nguyen Manh Hung, Vu Thi Minh Thanh, Pham Minh Tu, Vuong Bao Lan. “Dissoved air flotation – a promising solution to improve water quality and sludge treatment performance in Vietnam”. The Proceedings of the IWA International Conference Flotation in Water and Wastewater Treatment. Seoul, Korea, 2007. |
Bach Dinh Thien, Bui Van Boi, Hoàng Vĩnh Long, Research and development of ceramic glued tiles for external decoration of building using tightly- fusible clays, Third International Conference on Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies, pp 280-286, 12-13 March, 2002, Hanoi, Vietnam |
Bạch Đình Thiên, Hoàng Vĩnh Long, Nghiên cứu chế tạo hệ thống đo nhiệt độ tự động ghép nối với máy vi tính nhằm tối ưu hoá chế độ gia công nhiệt sản phẩm gốm xây dựng, Hội nghị toàn quốc lần thứ V về tự động hoá, pp.280-286 (10/2002) |
36 | Yin-Wen Chan, Vinh-Long Hoang, Influence of temperature on self-healing ability of high-volume fly-ash pastes, International Conference on Building Materials-18. Ibausil, pp.1-0346 – 1-0353, Weimar, Germany, (9/2012) |
37 | Vinh-Long Hoang, Yin-Wen Chan, Improve self-healing ability of high-volume fly ash pastes by crystalline additive, International conference on Sustainable built environment for now and the future- DelPHE, pp. 207-213, Hanoi, Vietnam, (3/2013) |
Bùi Thị Thanh Huyền, Hoàng Thị Bích Thủy (2006), Nghiên cứu khả năng ức chế ăn mòn của muối xêri đối với thép trong môi trường nước. Hội nghị Khoa học lần thứ 20 Đại học Bách khoa Hà nội, Phân ban: Công nghệ Hoá Vô cơ, 10-14, Hà nội 10-2006. |
Hoàng Thị Bích Thủy, Phan Lương Cầm, Bùi Thị Thanh Huyền (2007), Ảnh hưởng ức chế của muối xêri đối với quá trình ăn mòn đồng trong môi trường nước. Tuyển tập báo cáo khoa học hội nghị quốc gia “Ăn mòn và bảo vệ kim loại với hội nhập kinh tế”, Đà nẵng, tháng 4/2007. |
Bui T.T. Huyen, Hoang T.B. Thuy, Le T.H. Lien (2012). Corrosion inhibition for mild steel in HCl acid by Vietnam orange peel extract. Proc. 16th Asian Pacific Corrosion Control Conference, paper No. 0111, Kaohsiung, 10/2012. |
Hoang Thi Bich Thuy, Bui Thi Thanh Huyen, Le Thi Hong Lien, Mai Thanh Tung (2013), Vietnam Orange Peel Extract as an Eco Friendly Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in HCl Acid, Proc. NACE International East Asia & Pacific Rim Area Conference & Expo 2013, paper No. EAP13-4503, Kyoto 11/2013. ISBN: CONF CD 13. |
Bui Thi Thanh Huyen, Hoang Thi Bich Thuy, Mai Thanh Tung (2014), A comparative study of eco-friendly corrosion inhibitor OPE and urotropine in HCl acid, Proc. The 15th International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design (ISEPD2014), pp. 187-190, Hanoi 1/2014. ISBN-13: 978-303-83-5238-9. |